Practical Application: How to Develop 6 Crucial Leadership Skills

With the demands of a technologically advanced workforce shifting the focus towards a new set of skills, leaders who want to maintain the momentum of their career trajectory should look to develop these 6 previously underappreciated areas of expertise.

Check out our blog: A Great Divide is Coming: 6 Skills That Will Determine if You Are a Leader of Yesterday or Tomorrow.

Many of these skills may sound a bit abstract at first glance. How exactly do you practice and develop things like agility and creativity? Don't worry; we have those answers too!

Practical Ways to Develop Crucial Leadership Skills


  • Sign up for a webinar, workshop, or informal colleague call to learn a new skill or gain insight into potential areas of improvement.

  • Prioritize your own physical and mental well-being by taking breaks, practicing self-care, and asking for support so you can better manage your emotions and the emotions of others in stressful situations.

  • Implement a way to celebrate a culture of innovation amongst employees.


  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends by attending a conference or networking event.

  • Execute a strategic plan to leverage the power of AI in your daily tasks and free up time for more high-level thinking.

  • BE a resource for your team and provide them with easily accessible development opportunities.


  • Host a brainstorming session to encourage experimentation and risk-taking within your team.

  • Launch a contest to encourage teams to think outside the box and develop new solutions to complex problems.

  • Keep a journal and schedule time, weekly or monthly, to write down your ideas, thoughts, and observations as a way to reflect on your experiences and generate new ideas.


  • Practice active listening by making a conscious effort to focus on the speaker and what they are saying. Avoid getting distracted by external factors, such as your phone or other people around you. Show interest by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and asking questions. Resist the urge to interrupt, and finally, take a moment of reflection so you can respond thoughtfully.

  • Seek out opportunities to speak publicly and hone your presentation skills.

  • If time is tight, prioritize asynchronous communication via email or voice memo so that you can give your full attention to the exchange on your own time.

Data Analysis

  • Take a refresher course in data science, statistics, data visualization, or machine learning to grasp how these insights can be leveraged.

  • Practice using data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI to analyze and understand data more effectively through interactive charts and graphs that make it easier to spot trends and patterns in data.

  • Establish a channel to communicate helpful data to your team and stakeholders effectively.

Emotional Intelligence

  • Practice self-awareness by regularly reflecting on your emotions and how they impact your behavior, paying special attention to triggers and tendencies.

  • Exercise empathy by actively listening to your employees, seeking out different perspectives, and validating the emotions of others.

  • Prioritize stress management techniques, such as mindfulness and exercise, to help you stay calm and focused in high-pressure situations.

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A Great Divide is Coming: 6 Skills That Will Determine if You Are a Leader of Yesterday or Tomorrow