Why isn’t learning and development moving into the future?

Hi friends,

I am back from DevLearn and came back with so many thoughts. It is always wonderful to connect with other learning and development professionals to learn more about our craft and network with each other.  Anchored Training was in the expo hall, spreading the word to the DevLearn attendees on who we are and how we are talking about TikTok in learning and development.

From my stroll through the halls of the expo center, people were buzzing with the latest technologies and offerings.  In the sessions, there was so much conversation about how to leverage technology in your training sessions but what was interesting to me was a conversation with many about how hard it was to pitch going outside of the box with learning and development.

Now, this is not a conversation I find to be atypical. In fact, I hear it more often than not, and hear a lot about this every time I am on stage talking about TikTok and Learning & Development. Unfortunately, it has become hard to make the case for meeting our learners where they are at and investing in learning. What a lot of organizations are looking for is check-the-box solutions.

How Organizations Discuss and Solve Common Problems:

  • Problem: Sales reps are not utilizing their CRM.

    • Reason: They must need more training on the features.

    • Solution: Schedule a training session ✅

  • Problem: Employees are not feeling part of the culture at the organization.

    • Reason: They don’t know who we are.

    • Solution: They should receive a video about who we are and what the brand stands for ✅

  • Problem: Our learners are not participating in virtual training.

    • Reason: They don’t have enough engagement opportunities in the training.

    • Solution: Use the interactive feature in Zoom to include more polls ✅

What really needs to be done, but often is not because it is the “harder” and more time-consuming option, is actually understanding WHY something is not working, or taking a look inside themselves and assessing if what they are doing may not be right for their learner or the content, or really seeing who their learners are and meeting them where they are and providing what they actually need to be successful.

This is why at Anchored Training we start every engagement with our blueprint. Our blueprint provides you with an assessment of your current training program or initiative, and your learner, and provides recommendations with how to create meaningful learning experiences that resonate with learners and creates transformative learning.  Blueprints can be created for specific training modules (such as elearning or instructor-led), or for full programs such as your onboarding program. 

Want to learn more about if you are a fit for our learning blueprint? 

In the meantime, check out this free webinar to help you prepare for 2022 and see what is coming for learning and development…

With each passing year, the technology we’re using inside our learning solutions changes and improves. Our learners also change. Specifically, what they find engaging, what they find motivating, and what they find a good use of their time, is changing.

As learning and development professionals, we need to recognize where the trends are heading in order to create learning solutions that our learners will find useful, productive, efficient, and dare I say…enjoyable.

During this free webinar, we will be covering exactly that! Join us on November 16th at 11:30 AM EST as Anchored Training CEO and Founder, Vanessa Alzate walks us through what’s next for learning and development including:

  • Virtual Reality: Where and how it fits into learning solutions

  • How watching TikTok can help us improve as instructional designers

  • How you can encourage your learners to take what they learned, and share it beyond the classroom

Click the link below to save your seat!


3 Steps to Create an Amazing Onboarding Experience


Developing a Learner Persona