The Power of Customized Learning Arcs: How Learner Personas Enhance Training Effectiveness

If you've been in the Anchored Training community for a little while now, you’ve heard us sing the praises of developing learner personas to really understand who your learners and how they learn best. Now it’s time to take your L&D strategy to the next level.

An author will tell you not to write a novel without an outline. A contractor will tell you not to build a skyscraper without a blueprint. Well, I’m telling you not to not to create training without a learning arc! 

I like to think of a learning arc as a storyboard. It’s all about expertly charting out the most optimal sequence of modules, activities, and opportunities to guide learners through a comprehensive educational experience. A successful storyboard will present a pathway for a specific learner persona to feel engaged and motivated while efficiently acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their role. 

Below I’ve highlighted the most crucial characteristics and benefits of creating and implementing learning arcs as a core part of your L&D strategy. If you want to see an improvement in training effectiveness, it starts with developing a pathway that reflects your learner’s needs, goals, preferences.

The Pathway to Creating Learning Arcs Based on Learner Personas

Personalization: Leverage the detailed insights of learner personas to create personalized learning arcs that resonate with the backgrounds, preferences, and motivations of each persona.

Alignment: Use learning arcs to align training with organizational goals and specific learning objectives, ensuring that employees gain the skills and knowledge required for their roles.

Tailored Experience: Divide training content into smaller, more bingeable modules focused on specific objectives, and build flexibility into your learning arc to increase retention and accommodate different learning paces.

Handpicked Techniques: Incorporate various engagement techniques within each module, such as interactive activities, case studies, discussions, or multimedia elements to keep learners engaged.

Who, What, and Where: Who - Define your target audience. What - Identify clear and measurable learning objectives. Where - Determine where your learners want to access resources.

Adaptability: Update and adapt learning arcs as you conduct assessments and gather feedback to keep training programs relevant as the organization's needs and industry standards evolve.

Younique Assessment Strategies: Implement custom feedback and support mechanisms to provide additional resources or guidance for those struggling, or motivating challenges for those excelling.

Creating custom learning arcs based on learner personas will allow you to deliver highly targeted and effective training experiences. This personalization leads to improved engagement, better knowledge retention, and ultimately, more successful learning outcomes. 

Work With Us

Need help getting your learners on the right path? Well, the best place to start is to take a look at what is and is not working inside your learning and development initiatives.

Our free 2024 L&D Playbook can help you get a jumpstart! This Playbook is your passport to disrupting the status quo, igniting a culture of engaged employees, and establishing a thriving ecosystem of continual learning and development. Every page is infused with actionable insights to navigate the intricate pathways of L&D, ensuring you’re not just part of the game but a defining player.

Need a refresher on learner personas? Watch our Learner Persona's Free Webinar to discover:

  • How to collect learner persona data and what to do with it

  • How to develop custom solutions that are engaging and interactive that speak to your learner persona

  • Ways you can continue aiding your learner’s journey with post-training tools

Ready to diver deeper? The Anchored Training Blueprint is perfect for you! The learning blueprint is a comprehensive report that provides you guidance and recommendation on how to deliver your course to your ideal students. The blueprint is made up of a learner analysis, learner profile, course plan, and platform and tools recommendations. 

Whatever your learning and development needs are, Anchored Training is here to help you GROW in 2024. Contact us today for all of your L&D needs.


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